In A-bomb's world nothing can be genuinely good unless it is PURPLE. She loves her bathroom step but it's not purple, so she's waiting for someone to buy one (doesn't exist). She adores going to the farm and is a keen gardener (pulls the heads off my flowers and waters the pavement) so, what better thing to do than visit Mayfield Lavender Farm?! Literally a PURPLE FARM made of PURPLE FLOWERS. Yes, I am the best, at ideas.
£2 per adult for parking, which I thought was pretty reasonable until a crumple-faced woman decided to tell me that actually it was "extortionate" and "they" should not be charging us to look round a field. "Mmmm", I thought, pondering what a fun life she must have. I said "bye, enjoy your day" etc.
Anyway... I parked up, strapped The Guvnor into her vehicle and released A-bomb into the sea of purple flowers. Yep, she loved it. It's an amazing place. Lots of selfies and moody photoshoots going on everywhere, but #TBF it's a stunning backdrop.
After 45 minutes of running and crawling in lavender we were all cooked so went to sample the cafe.
Cafe choices were limited but decent enough. Word to the wise though... DO NOT lose your tiny numbered ticket otherwise you get scowled at and choke-slammed by the poison lavender beast, who doubles as a student/ex-student who isn't enjoying life in the customer-facing service industry. I hadn't lost mine, I just saw things.
All in all it was a wonderful day out and one that my 2.5-year-old will talk about FOR EVER.
It's a shame that my first-born will never be as happy, until once again, like at Lavender Farm, everything is purple.